tap dance performer/choreographer
パフォーマンス行脚中のドイツ国際平和村訪問をきっかけに ’10年“あしおとでつながろう!プロジェクト”を設立。以来10に渡り障害のある100名とのタップセッションを毎月継続し、障害のあるメンバーとともに”あしおとのリズムを通してだれもが尊重しあう”タップワークショップを街に広げる。’21年NPO法人あしおとでつながろうプロジェクト設立、代表を務める。
ヨコハマ・パラトリエンナーレ2017をきっかけにSLOW LABELのソーシャルサーカス事業に参画、2020立ち上げ公演[T∞KY∞]タップ振付(公演中止)
・「voix de ville まちのうた」「タップで文学Ⅲ〜砂の女」/BankART AiR ’15
・「甲虫 feat.安藤祐」DANCE VISION’18 アトリエ第Q藝術 他
・「地下鉄で卸町へ行こう!10-BOXキラキラ劇場」仙台市東西線開通記念事業 ’15
・「ヘブンアーティスト東京」 ’19
・杉並区パラリンピック応援イベント「弦の音と足の音で楽しむコンサート」@杉並公会堂 ’19 他
・大型市民参加演劇「MY TOWN 可児」ala ’17
「M6 MUSICAL ACT “Jesus Christ Superstar”」NIGHT SYNC YOKOHAMA公演 ’19 他
文化庁芸術家派遣事業/仙台ARCT ’12〜’18
吉野町芸術工房/吉野町市民プラザ ’18
’17〜’21 横浜市芸術文化振興財団ほか助成採択
東京新聞記事 https://sukusuku.tokyo-np.co.jp/hattatsu/3665/
・youtube play list
tap dance performer, instructor and choreographer.
Known as ODORUNATSUKO (Dancing Natsuko), started her classical ballet career in Tokyo Ballet Company ballet school and Studio Duo of Yoko Tanaka.After experience of working with the circus staff in “Mugon-Geki”Company (street performance and mime) leading by Ikuo Mitsuhashi,she began tap dancing in Akira Shirahige’s unit Tap Kid’s Special, from 1994. In 2002, she obtained Tokyo Metropolitan Heaven Artists License, performed on the street widely. In 2013 & 2015, she joined the Mondial Puppet Festival in Charleville-Meziale (France) as a fringe artist.
In 2014, she produced a wide-ranging performance titled [“Shokuhatsu-no-Yukue” (The Inspiration) vol.1〜7] in collaboration with each artist—
Suguru Hachidori /chanson singer, Takeki ‘Ygal’ Muto / pianist & composer, Kenichi Takeda / impromptu taishyo-harp player, Noriko Yamaya / dramatist & actress, Masaki Tsurugi / pianist, Yuriko Keino / computer music composer, Kyoko Murosaka / pianist , and Masaki Iwana / “Buto” dancer.
Around that time, she started a new trial of impromptu dancing drama based on famous novels, and directed short movies for the stage performance.
・vol.1 L’Homme assis dans le couloir / by Marguerite Duras ’14
・vol.2 Wuthering Heights / by Emily Brontë ’15
・vol.3 Woman in the Dunes / by Kobo Abe ’15
She also has career as a choreographer.
・on the subject of Japanese earthquake memory: musical theater “Kizuna” Project ’11〜’16,
・Citizen participation drama: MyTown Kani by Kani Public Arts Center ala ’17,
・Street musical for young people who have hard time living: Jesus Christ Superstar by M6 Musical Act ’19, and more.
In 2010, she started “Ashioto-de-tsunagaro!” Project (Soulful Soles’ “Tapping into an inclusive world” Project) that aims to developing her skills to bring out the expressiveness of people with disabilities for inclusive world.
In 2015, she was chosen as the Artist in residence of BankART Museum, and also directed a silent movie about the homeless man’s dream titled [ voix de ville ] ,dancing with the handicapped members.
This project is supported by Arts Commission Yokohama from 2017〜2019.
Since 2011, she joined ARCT/art revival connection TOUHOKU for children lived in Tsunami area, and has been ready for tap dance program of Agency for Cultural Affairs for the Great East Japan Earthquake.
She also join Slow Label as specialist and member of Slow Circus Project from Yokohama para-triennale 2017.